500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 630 Done With The Filler Arcs

Part of me wanted to blame my unknowing as the root of all of this, but I knew it was because I was just enjoying myself. I had yet to take anything really seriously unless I was in the heat of battle, but things were different now.

I had thought to just wave my hand and change this layer, but even if the Black King seemed a bit, looney, this was her world that she ruled over. I would at least give her a chance to tell me how she wants the place, but all that would have to come after I had dealt with Kadeon.

When I finally reached the extravagant throne room of the Black King, I was met with the sight of a young woman seated on a throne of ebon and gold. Her raven-black hair was elaborately styled and the royal garb she wore left no question about her status. "Black King," I greeted with a nod of my head.

"Galio…" she drawled, her quiet voice echoing through the room. "Or should I call you \'Mr. Traitor God\'?"

I bit back a retort, reminding myself that I was here for a reason. "Before we get into that, I would like to ask you for a favor."

The Black King raised a skeptical brow at me. "You\'re quite thick-skinned, Mr. Galio, making demands without even hearing your rightful punishment."

Ignoring her remark, I continued, "Once I beat Kadeon and reclaim my divine throne, I am willing to let you handle the restructuring of the Underworld, for the most part," I started to explain, but the Black King hoped out of her throne and stalked over to stab a finger into my chest.

"Do you know what an appointment is? Or how to keep them?!" The Black King demanded with a growl. "I watched your entire journey for filler arcs, and I have had it! You are going to help me, and you are going to do it now! That, or I will feed your prettiest to my Aether Demon pets the True God has given me to force your hand!"

The King was short even by demon standards, and she barely came up to my chest, making it hard to take her seriously. Still, this was not good news, and I was not happy.

"I will only ask you this once, Black King, and be sure to give me the answer that I am looking for," I said dangerously as I felt chaos portals opening behind me.

"Oh, you think that you are-" She started to say, but then braced herself as my emotions started to get the best of me.

"I have not asked the question yet," I said, my voice laced with venom and my presence making the very air heavy and hard to breathe. "Where is Xieus and Rem?"

"You are too late Galio!" Scorpio said from behind me.

"Kadeon already has her. Another one that you lost because of your blindness," Aries with disgust in her voice.

"You are a failure, and your time of rule has come to an end," Piccolo whispered.

More ridicule came, but I didn\'t turn to face my royal guards. Every line held truth, and nothing ever cut deeper, but I also knew that all of my friends and lovers\' minds were distorted by Kadeon.

I was not the same person I was the last time that I had fought. I was a god, and I would not play by anyone\'s rules.

Still, the verbal assault by my Zodiacs had gotten under my skin, and I felt my patience unraveling. I turned to face them, my face betraying my calm demeanor. My eyes were blazing with an unrivaled fury, and my lips pulled back into a snarl.

"This isn\'t a blind demon or even a blind god that you\'re dealing with. You\'re dealing with me, Galio, the true God," I said, my voice deadly calm despite the rage burning within me. "And I assure you, you\'ve yet to see the worst of me."

The Zodiacs flinched, their determined stances faltering for a moment. Scorpio met my gaze, his eyes reflecting the dread that was settling in. Aries, on the other hand, tried to maintain her composed facade, but the flicker of uncertainty was hard to miss.

"Galio…" The Black King began, her eyes hard and her voice shaky as she took in the tense atmosphere. "Do not misunderstand. Xieus and Rem are safe, for now. Kadeon has them, but they are unharmed."

"Unharmed, you say?" I echoed, my voice carrying a hint of mockery. "Kadeon is using them to control and manipulate me. Do you think I am going to relax knowing that? You have no idea the pot you have stuck your hand into!"

The Black King faltered, taken aback by my sudden outburst. She recovered quickly and straightened her posture. "I have pledged my loyalty to Kadeon, it is he who gave me power and recognition."

My gaze hardened at her words. "And in return, you offer him the lives of my beloved?" There was rage simmering beneath my words and my fists clenched at my sides. She had not just betrayed me, she had used the people I hold dear, which was an unforgivable sin.

The Black King opened her mouth to speak but paused, having second thoughts. The defiance in her eyes dimmed, replaced by a trace of regret. She glanced at my clenched fists and then at my hard gaze, absorbing my implied threat.

"I... I didn\'t have a choice, Galio," she started, almost inaudibly. "Kadeon is far more powerful than you think. He controls everything in the realms now. I...I didn\'t want to be left out, to be a mere puppet." Her voice was wavering now, her carefully cultivated bold façade cracking under my piercing gaze.

"Total control? Is that the BS that he fed you?" I asked as Aries lunged at me.

I paid her no mind, and the moment that she came within ten feet of me, all her armor and clothing disintegrated off her body. The moment that she noticed, Aries dropped to the ground to cover herself in embarrassment. Not even Kadeon\'s hold could change one of my wife\'s prudish natures. But I was cold and indifferent to her humiliation, my attention was still stuck on the Black King.

"Did you really believe that, Black King?" I asked, disbelief marring my voice. "Was your ambition so great that you sold yourself to the delusions of a petty usurper? At the cost of our bond... at the cost of Xieus and Rem?"

Silent tears streaked down her regal face, her eyes full of shock and despair. It was as if she had only just realized the gravity of her choices.

I sighed, pressing the bridge of my nose for a moment before looking down at her again. All these creatures and people were just play things for Kadeon so he could get what he wanted. "What is his plan?

Her eyes widened, and she hesitated, glancing at me as if trying to figure out whether to spill the truth or stay loyal to Kadeon. After a tense moment, she sighed, a defeated look in her eyes.

"Kadeon... he wants more than just power. He aims to reshape the celestial cycle, deconstruct the existing Zodiac System, and establish a new one. A cycle where he, not you, will be the divine figure at the top," she revealed with trepidation in her voice.

"He plans to impose his control over the Realm of the underworld, breaking and distorting the natural law that governs them, shaping it into his image. To do that, he must consume Xieus and Rem. I don\'t know why he needs to eat them, and I didn\'t ask Either. I was told that I either followed along, or I would be killed and replaced by another demon," The Black King explained, but then flinched back as a crack in the very fabric of reality formed coming from me.

Without another word, I turned and raised my hand, striped all the remaining Zodiacs of their clothing, slamming them each into the walls of the throne room. After hitting the walls, golden bands wrapped around their wrist, ankles, and necks, preventing any movement.

"I will deal with you all when I return," I said and then closed my eyes. This had been a waste of time, but now Kadeon\'s time was over.

It was nothing to feel his presence, and the moment that I found him, the space between the two points folded, and I instantly stepped into the massive chamber where Kadeon help Rem, the Ram Demon Goddess, and Xieus, the Succubus, who was also another whole in my memory like Elisa was.

"So! You made it just in time, but you are too late!" Kadeon laughed but then stopped as he looked eyes with me.

"There is no place or time that you can hide from me anymore. For thousands of years you have been playing this game, but it ends here and now, False God. Let the girls go, and I will kill you fast," I said in a low and dangerous tone. My body was emitting massive amounts of divine power that was turning the very atmosphere volatile. Silver crackling bolts of energy surged around me, indicating the accumulation of my power.

Kadeon seemed momentarily taken aback, his laughter dying down into an incredulous chuckle. "You think you can defeat me just because you have newfound power? Galio, you are nothing but a puppet god in the grand play of the Cosmos."

"I am not here to play your games, Kadeon," I snapped, taking a menacing step forward. "Release them, or prepare to face the wrath of a True God."

"Oh, godly wrath, how amusing!" Kadeon let out a venomous laugh. His mirth was short-lived as my power surged, causing the very floor to ripple under my feet. Kadeon\'s eyes flickered with a glimmer of apprehension.

"Amusing or not, you have pissed off the wrong god," I stated coldly, and without wasting another moment, threw myself into the last battle to reclaim what was rightfully mine.

"Ah yes, typical hero talk. I actually watch a few of those movies with the Black King. It was sickening to see how the hero always wins, but that is not how the real world works, is it, Galio? You of all people should know this, considering just how many times you have failed?"

He had an annoyingly smug smirk on his face as he antagonized me. I charged forward with a roar, drowning him out. My avenging wrath was stopped as I was met by a large figure that was cloaked in darkness swirling with Chaos.

"Oh, that is right! I forgot to tell you that your so-called brother wanted a little rematch. Since you did him so dirty the last time that you two fought, I had Angelios do a little work on him. A little bit of true magic so your little godly tricks won\'t work on him like the others!" Kadeon laughed but then turned from us to the girls. "Now, if you don\'t mind, I have an important dinner date with these two wretched creatures! Have fun!"

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