500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 663 First Rule of Being a Detective

Chapter 663 First Rule of Being a Detective

"Yes! We totally have our very first actual job!" Daphne cheered as she jumped in the air after they had left the room. Velma just sighed.

"Why is that the thing you are getting excited about? Do you not realize what just happened?!" Velma demanded, but Daphne only shrugged.

"So what? We get to compete to have the lousy job of looking after one of the most diverse islands in the entire world! That just means more problems for one of us! Think about all the boring things we will have to do!" Daphne complained, but she yelped when Velma grabbed her by the ear.

"You are the one that causes most of the problems!" Velma growled and then started to drag the complaining Daphne. "Did you not hear what the grand prize was, or are you too concerned with this pervert?"

"Huh? There is a prize? I thought that was the lousy job title?" Daphne asked after breaking free from Velma\'s grip on her ear.

"The top Goddess of the twelve picked will get to become one of Galio\'s wives, you numbskull! Have you not been listening to anything that the people have been talking about?" Velma demanded, but Daphne just shrugged as the two headed to the front entrance of Eliza\'s mansion.

"That does sound good, and I can get behind that, I guess, but I don\'t really want to become the human\'s goddess," Daphne said, and Velma nodded.

"I know that, but I do. Also, I would need an assistant to look into unsolved mysteries and problems. You could be that person," Velma said, making Daphne stop.

"Why can\'t you just say the important parts first?" Daphne growled, and Velma stopped, turning back to her.

"I thought it was obvious," Velma stated, pushing up the fake glasses she was wearing for their detective outfits. "But I guess you always did need things spelled out for you."

Daphne snorted, crossing her arms. "Yeah, yeah, smarty-pants. Regardless, we have a new mystery to solve huh? Any ideas where to start, Sherlock?"

"Well, first we should head to the locations where the incidents have taken place," Velma laid out their plan. "Perhaps we can find a pattern or maybe even a clue. And definitely, we should interview the victims."

"I\'ve got a clue!" Daphne exclaimed and Velma, intrigued, asked her what it was.

"Our perp has a panty fetish," Daphne deadpanned. Velma groaned, shaking her head.

"No, really? Who would have guessed?" Velma replied sarcastically, "Come on, Watson. Let\'s get moving on already. The first person... Attacked? I guess we will call it that for now… was a member of the Fae applicants. They arrived yesterday, but now they are staying in tents on the other side of the north wall with the Easterners. We should go talk to them first."

"Alright, lead the way, Holmes!" Daphne said, saluting with a wide grin.

As they made their way through nearly over-filling Northwall, the city was teeming with life and the air was filled with the hustle and bustle of the city\'s inhabitants preparing for the Goddess Games. After heading to the north exit of the city, they reached the temporary campsite of the Fae applicants. Some of the easterners had moved to make room for the Fae, and now the area was filled with elegant and colorful tents of numerous shapes and sizes scattered across the area. At the center, a mesmerizing glow emanated from what seemed to be a magical fire, casting an ethereal ambiance over the place. The enchanting sight fully captured the essence of the Fae.

Once they entered the encampment, they were welcomed by the sight of fairies fluttering about, and women with pointed ears and wings busily practicing various kinds of spells. Among the busy fairies, they managed to spot their primary interviewee, a Fae applicant named Rosalynn, who was adjusting her vibrant multicolored wings which shimmered in the light.

"Hello, Rosalynn," Velma greeted, causing the elegant Fae to turn around. Upon recognizing the duo, her face lit up.

"Miss Velma! I was hoping that I would see you after yesterday!" Rosalynn exclaimed in her small voice but then grew from her fairy form into a small woman. She wore a beautiful earth-toned dress adorned with small flowers and she had radiant green eyes that sparkled with a curiosity matching Daphne\'s.

"We were hoping to ask you about the panty theft," Daphne threw herself into the conversation. Rosalynn blushed, turning to look at the magical fire.

"Yes, it was quite the surprising event," if possible, Rosalynn blushed even more, her cheeks turning as bright as cherries.

"I couldn\'t believe it when I realized what had happened. One moment it was there and then suddenly my underwear... just wasn\'t. I wear a belt that holds my small satchel so I didn\'t notice right away that... that the belt wasn\'t sitting on anything..." Rosalynn explained, her face still flushed from embarrassment. Velma gently patted Rosalynn\'s back in an assuring manner.

"We will certainly catch this culprit, don\'t you worry," Velma promised, her determined eyes shining brightly in the magical light. Daphne nodded in agreement, her fiery determination mirroring Velma\'s.

"Was there anything else you can think of that might give us a clue as to who did this?" Daphne asked, pulling out a notepad and pen.

Rosalynn shook her head, wringing her hands. "No, I\'m sorry. The atmosphere just felt colder for a moment and then when the wind brushed against my... my legs, I realized what had happened."

Velma smoothed down the nonexistent wrinkles in her red skirt while Daphne chewed on the end of her pen. After a moment, Daphne brightened up, her pen tip snapping and a bit of ink splatting onto the page. "Well, we just need to find someone with wind magic then!"

Velma sighed, shaking her head. "Daphne, a large percentage of the people here have wind-based magic. Especially right now. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are the four basic magical talents everyone has, but some have more of an aptitude in one over the others."

"But if we ask the victims if they felt a temperature drop then we might be able to narrow it down to someone with Ice and Wind magic!" Daphne reasoned, with Velma looking over with a surprised expression. "Right?" Daphne asked, her own excitement dimming slightly.

"That... actually isn\'t a bad idea, Daphne. Alright, let\'s get to work on the others," Velma said, pulling out her own notepad and pen, and crossing off Rosalynn\'s name. "There are two more victims that have reported this happening," Velma said, tapping her pen to her notepad.

"Then we should split up and look for clues!" Daphne said with fiery determination and a clenched fist, but Velma shook her head.

"The first rule of being a detective is to never let the destructive and troublesome partner go off on their own. On top of that, we might become targets for this pervert. The best chance we have of stopping them is to stay together," Velma explained, but Daphne groaned and then pointed up at the moon.

"Look what time it is already! It is going to be midnight before we get done talking to everyone!" Daphne whined and then pointed to Velma\'s notepad. "According to what you wrote down there, the thief only attacks during the day!"

"Yours should say the same thing!" Velma growled and then grabbed Daphne\'s notepad.

"No! My notes are better!" Daphne whined, trying to grab her notepad back. Velma gave her a flat look, holding the notebook out of her reach. Daphne growled and jumped up, only for Velma to hold it higher.

"Why is your book filled with childish doodles?" Velma growled, making Daphne turn away and start whistling.

"Uh, um, because it\'s... it\'s... a creative representation of my thoughts?" Daphne stammered out, tugging at one of her fiery curls. Velma just gave her a long, hard look.

"No more talking Daphne, we have more work," Velma responded, handing Daphne back her notepad. Daphne pouted but nodded in agreement.

"You\'re right, the panty thief can\'t wait!" With that, the duo continued on their quest, heading back into the bustling city.

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