500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 664 The Thief Attacks!

Chapter 664 The Thief Attacks!

"So? Who are we looking for now?" Daphne asked as they walked to the east side of Northwall.

"The hairdresser, Cindy. She was also attacked yesterday over on the west side of the city by the theater. According to the report, it happened as she left the market, and was going to see a friend at the clinic," Velma explained as they arrived at the front of Cindy\'s Salon.

Daphne was about to open the door, but it flew open just before she could get her hand on the nob.

"You girls came! Oh, I have been so worried! I can\'t even leave my boutique! I have been so terrified I might be attacked again!" Cindy cried out with tears as she hugged both women.

Cindy was a short woman, her hair styled into a fashionable bob cut and dyed a vibrant red. They couldn\'t really make out her facial features as she was clinging onto them while sobbing, but they knew that she would probably have a round face based on the size of her arms clutching them.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Cindy!" Velma comforted her, patting her back, "We\'re here to help. Don\'t worry; we\'ll find the person who did this."

After she had calmed down, they entered the hair salon, neatly decorated with hair accessories on display, and photo frames containing pictures of various hairstyles, each labeled neatly with their respective names. The smell of different hair products filled the air as they sat down in the waiting area to talk to Cindy.

"Thank you for coming. It was so... strange... I didn\'t even notice it at first," Cindy admitted, her voice still shaky, "I just felt a breeze, but then I noticed the chill afterward, it wasn\'t as intense as with Rosalynn though. It just felt as if I walked through a cold spot. I thought it was odd, but Northwall has been having strange weather since..."

"That will be all, thank you," Velma finished for her, jotting a note about the temperature drop being less intense, "We\'ll get this sorted out as soon as we can."

"Woah, woah!" Daphne said, putting out her arms with her palms forward. "We are not just leaving yet! Seriously, Velma, are you just going to ask the same questions each time?" Daphne growled, and Velma rolled her eyes.

"And what do you think we should be asking?" Velma asked, crossing her arms.

"What happened before and after, duh! You can\'t be the great Mary Holmes if you aren\'t going to even try and think like her!" Daphne complained, making Velma click her tongue in annoyance.

"You gave me that name! Fine! Ask your questions!" Velma conceded, turning up her nose, and looking away.

"Good!" Daphne declared and then turned back to Cindy who looked confused. "Now, what happened before you were attacked? Was there anyone suspicious around you? We have had many new faces here, but most people know who is from the city."

"I can\'t really say that I saw anyone different before or after the attack, but there was one thing, now that I think about it. The Vine was silent during the attack," Cindy explained, her eyes filled with deep thought.

"Really? Now that is something!" Daphne exclaimed and then looked back to Velma. "Can you try to check with Rosalynn? You have met her more than once so you should be able to contact her, right?"

"Possibly, but most people block the Vine during big events like this," Velma said and then tried to use the psychic connection that all Goddessians of this world shared. After a few attempts to connect with Rosalynn, Velma shook her head. "Nothing, so I can\'t imagine that she would have been using it during the attack. Still, there are not very many that can interfere with the Vine."

"Very true," Daphne said and then held up three fingers. "The first that comes to mind is compulsion, but that can\'t be it. Even if a strong vampire used their eyes, or someone used a spell, it would just stop them from using it. The next thing, and more likely is a magical item. What actually could do this is unknown to me, but that is the most likely option."

"What is the third?" Cindy asked since one of Daphne\'s fingers was still up.

"The last one is a doozy, but it pairs with two. It could be a Golem doing this, but that doesn\'t mean a Golem is doing this," Daphne said, putting down her last finger.

"You think that someone might be controlling one Golem race to do this?" Velma asked skeptically. Golems created most of the seals and magic nullification spells used around the world today, so Velma found this hard to believe.

"Not a Living Golem, but a Living Doll\'s body. Again, this is just skepticism, but I know for a fact that their bodies can be enhanced to use special kinds of magic," Daphne said and then smiled at Cindy. "Thank you very much for this information!"

Cindy thanked them both for coming as the girls left the boutique, but both women stopped after the door closed. "So?" Daphne asked, and Velma looked up at the night sky.

"The last person on the..." Velma started to say, but then pulled magic fast, activating Gravity. As she did, a cloaked form slammed into the ground in front of the two women.

"Panty Thief!" Daphne roared, grabbing at the cloaked figure, unaffected by Velma\'s spell.

Before she could, the cloaked figure rolled backward out of Daphne\'s reach and threw something into the air. A cloud of smoke billowed out, obscuring their vision. Despite Daphne rushing into the smoke, she wasn\'t able to catch the perpetrator who had already disappeared.

"Darn it! I almost had him!" Daphne spat, coming back coughing from the smoke.

"Are you okay?" Velma asked, her stance relaxing as the Gravity spell dissipated.

"I\'m okay. But she got away," Daphne said, bending down to pick up something from the ground where the thief was moments before. It was a piece of torn cloth, part of the thief\'s cloak perhaps.

"Interesting," Velma said, examining the torn cloth as Daphne handed it over. "We might not have captured the thief, but at least we have something."

"Impressive work on sensing them. I felt no intent or anything at any point in the fight. I think that confirms my suspicion that this is not the real culprit. Someone is controlling that body remotely from somewhere," Daphne sighed, but then got a serious look on her face. "If we can catch the cloaked figure, I can probably figure out where that person is hiding!"

Velma just shook her head. "They will not attack us again, or if they do, they will make sure that they can beat us next time. No, I think we should go ask one of the goddesses to let us talk with Amanda. She is the creator and will want to know if someone is using a living Doll\'s body like that. I am pretty sure that Galio and her made an agreement a while back about the Living Dolls."

"Hmm, that is true. This could start a whole mess of drama, but that is probably why this person is doing this. This is the perfect time to stir up trouble when everyone is just trying to get along! Damn this perverted woman!" Daphne growled, shaking her fist in the air.

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