The Demon's Soul

Chapter 61 In the woods- Part 1

"And like I said, I wasn’t asking for an approval. I am going and that’s final," Jamien said nonchalantly, "If you think of keeping me here forever under your protection which I don’t need-"

"What do you mean by that?! You’re still innocent and don’t know what’s out there," Victor said exasperatedly to which Jamien rolled his eyes.

Marc and I were sitting inside the car as both the brothers stood there arguing for more than fifteen minutes now while Luke sat down to play with Dozer.

My guess was Luke already knew that it was going to take time, therefore, he was entertaining himself with the scary dog while we entertained ourselves by playing rock paper scissors as we grew tired of listening to the brothers outside.

"I’ll be back in a month," Jamien tried to propose a deal to the king.

"One month?!" His brother repeated with wide eyes, "That’s-"

"Fine, two weeks! I want to attend Luke’s wedding in peace alright," Jamien gritted his teeth in irritation.

"Okay. I think its fair," Victor said thoughtfully making Jamien sigh out of relief, "Two weeks, Jamien. A day more than that you know what I will do," he said calmly making the younger brother flinch.

"Yeah yeah," Jamie said getting in the back seat with me and I saw Victor sigh. After the king of Syrian finished talking to Luke, we finally hit the dusty road.

At the beginning of the journey, there was some hassle on who was going to ride along with Luke and Charlie. Jamien and Meredith wanted to ride with Luke while neither Marc nor I minded whichever car we got into. Luke wanted me in the same space as he was and wanted to keep an eye on Marc as he no longer was a human.

Luke, Jamien, Marc and I rode in one car while Charlie, Meredith, and Dozer rode in the other car as they followed us. Emma’s body was put in the trunk in Charlie’s car as ours were filled with luggage’s.

There were no crossbreeds in sight for now and we didn’t know when they would appear for claiming Marc as their leader.

Somewhere in the middle of the journey, I fell asleep even though I had slept for a few hours before. I hadn’t got many details on what happened before I passed out as Luke was busy with the kingdoms official and Marc was busy playing with appear and disappear of his unusually dark clawed nails.

".... there any special power to that or is it just an empty vessel?" I was woken from my dreamless sleep by someone talking in the car.

"It’s hard to tell as she’s the only one," I heard Luke speak, "Today was the first time I witnessed something like that."

"Doesn’t it put her in danger?" Marc questioned worry in his voice.

"It does. She can become the ultimate weapon in the supernatural realm if trained right," Luke murmured, sighing in the end.

Were they talking about me?

"And I believe you wouldn’t let her train, would you?" I heard Jamien say who was sitting next to me and he answered his own question after two seconds, "Of course you wouldn’t."

"Isn’t it good to train her as people might get to know about the demon souls existence and come for her?" Marc asked the question I wanted to ask.

"Currently no one knows about it. Training Lillian would only attract unwanted attention to the matter," Luke replied and I felt my body slide to the left due to the turn he took in the slope, "The only people who will come for her now is her ax murdering father and Ace, that is if he’s still alive."

"Lillian is mine and I’ll be damned if someone dares to take her away from me," Luke’s tone went low as he said it making my stomach flutter with something.

"There’s the Luke I know," Jamien whistled.

I had totally forgotten about my situation while trying to help Marc with the crossbreeds. Luke had killed Ace that night but they later told that Ace was already dead which didn’t make sense. And moreover, I distinctly remembered seeing his reflection in the school bathroom.

"What’s with the dead people trying to resurrect their dead wife or girlfriend? Lilly seems to be popular with dead people," Jamien commented smugly and I wanted to whack his head for the smug expression he wore when I opened my eyes slightly before shutting it close again.

The sky had already dissolved to a dark blue, erasing all evidence of light.

"Dead people should stay dead and not haunt the living," I heard Marc mutter under his breath.

Once I was completely awake, I looked outside the window as I supported my chin with my hand. It seemed like an endless journey in between the forest as trees passed by one after another.

Marc was explaining Jamien how basketball was played as the boy had never heard of the game before. With walk, I gathered Jamien was innocent more like a spoilt brat as Luke had said previously.

Though for some odd reason I felt Jamien had a problem with me. The reason was beyond my understanding. Was it because Dozer chose to stay with me in the palace? I then remembered something from earlier today.

"What would your brother do if you left a day later than what you said?" I asked Jamien and saw his brows furrow together before it turned to a scowl.

"Why do you want to know, commoner," he snapped at me, "So how many stances are there?" he continued talking to Marc but my friend was intrigued with the question I asked.

"It’s a very funny story," Luke began chuckling.

"Actually it’s not!" Jamien glared daggers at Luke from behind, "Why are you so plain? I don’t approve of you being with Luke."

"No one asked for your opinions on it," I said turning my head in a different direction, "Jealous," I muttered.

"Me? Jealous?" he asked scoffing at my words.

"Yes, you are a jealous brat," I turned back to face him, "Because you can’t spend much time with him," I said as we stared into an eye war. It was quite obvious that Jamien loved Luke like another brother but instead covered it with a scowl.

"Oh please, who would-"

"That’s enough both of you," Luke sighed loudly. Marc stifled his laugh with a cough, "I need some peace while I drive."

"But-" both Jamien and I started making Luke groan in irritation.

"So what, your brother’s going to burn your teddy?" I asked him slowly going back to the conversation with a side grin on my face.

"So did you bang your head to a rock to have a crooked nose?" he retorted.

"I don’t have a crooked nose," I replied as I touched my nose just to make sure I was right and saw him roll his eyes.

"This is more entertaining," I heard Marc say to Luke in middle of our bickering.

"And I don’t have a freaking teddy bear," he snapped folding his hands over his chest.

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