The Demon's Soul

Chapter 62 In the woods- Part 2

Marc and I waited in suspense of the story as Jamien trailed. He closed his eyes for a spare second and then opened his eyes that looked pissed off.

"He bloody put my posters all over the kingdom telling I was missing!! Who freaking would do that?!" I could virtually see smoke coming out his head, "Once I was out of my friends place, I was being chased by various people," and right then none of us could hold in the laughter anymore. This was priceless, I thought as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

After half an hour, we decided to take a stop in middle of the woods for few minutes. Meredith looked a little freaked out when she got out of the car with Charlie. When I looked at Charlie his eyes met mine and he offered a smile but something said that he was enjoying the car ride.

I went into the forest for a small walk but not too far from the place we had parked the cars. I could hear the crickets making a sound as I walked with the cool breeze blowing due to which few dried up leaves fell down from the leaves.

It was so quiet that it made my mind uneasy like all my thoughts were being exposed to me in this solace like place. I wrapped my arms around me when I felt the wind blow towards me.

When I turned around I felt my heart leap out due to shock after seeing Luke standing against a tree watching me.

"Geez, you almost scared me! Don’t do that," I scolded him while I placed my hand on my chest, "Are we leaving?" I asked him.

"In few minutes," Luke replied pushing himself from the tree to stand straight, "You seem troubled over something," he commented his dark green eyes looking at my every move.

I shook my head smiling a little, "I don’t know, I guess I just feel uneasy," he tilted his head at that and I sighed softly, "Will you be honest if I ask you something?" He nodded for me to carry on.

"Why didn’t you meet me sooner? Were you waiting for my memories to return?" I asked him leaning against a tree now, "I don’t know if you like me or if you like the one in the past life."

What if he was marrying me just because I looked like my old self. I didn’t have any memories except for one. I could hear barks coming from the way I had come which was probably Dozer barking at our companions.

"Like is a small word in my dictionary for you. I loved the person you were before but I’m more in love with the person you are now," he confessed walking slowly towards me, "I don’t mind it if you don’t get your memories back of how we fell in love. Because no matter how many times it takes I’ll make you fall in love with me all over again and again until the time stops." If my heart wasn’t beating before, it sure did now.

"And I meant every word I said in the car," he said making me furrow my brows, "I knew you were awake Lillian. I’m not letting anyone take you from me. Not even Gavin."

"Gavin never liked me," I spoke nervously. Why did he switch the topic to Gavin? Gavin was nowhere interested in me and I didn’t see him that way anymore. It was embarrassing at times to think like ’Oh I used to like this person and found he was making out with another woman, so I indirectly got rejected’.

"Let me tell you a little secret, darling," he said as he stood in front of me, placing his hands on either side of my head, "I knew Gavin before you told me about him. The thing was he did like you and me being me made sure to warn the men around you to keep a good distance from you if their life meant something to them."

"What?!" I asked shocked, "Why would y-"

"If you look at it, nobody loved you more than their life," he interrupted me. I didn’t know if I had to take it as a good thing or as an offense, "Though I can’t believe that one of the pests got right under my nose."

"So Gavin liked me," I murmured sinking in the new found information which I shouldn’t have uttered as I saw something dark cross over Luke’s face, "Luke I-" and before I could complete the sentence, he leaned forward connecting my lips with his.

It took me few seconds to register that Luke was kissing me before my face felt like it was set aflame. Embarrassed I tried moving away which resulted in him pulling me closer to his body as he circled his hands around my waist like a snake preying on its prey.

My feeble attempt in trying to escape stopped when I heard a feral like growl come from him. He pushed me back slowly so that I was completely trapped in between his body and the tree behind me.

He licked the seam of my lips as my lips gradually opened for him. When his tongue reached for mine it was sleek and soft, unlike his bipolar character at times. I responded back meekly, letting him guide me.

As he kissed me, one of his hand moved up to the nape of my neck and then slowly traveled across my cheek. I felt the air knocked out of my body and the ground slip beneath me as the kiss turned from a gentle one to one that consumed my very soul, not letting me go.

When he placed small kisses to the corner of my mouth, moving down to my throat a small sigh of bliss passed through my lips making me blush in embarrassment. I rested my head against his broad chest taking a deep breath to make up for the air I lost while he and I kissed.

"What was that?" I murmured to myself unsure of what had triggered him to kiss me out of the blue.

"Lillian," he whispered my name after some time so that I looked up to meet his eyes as his hands trailed down on either side of my hands to hold them in his.

"Years of pent-up passion does that to a person," he gave me that wide Cheshire like grin before pecking my cheek, "This was just a teaser, darling. Come on let’s head back before Charlie scares the girl about the dead body in the car."

"Ah, okay," I replied dazed as we made our way back to the car.

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