The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 487

‘Here’s the place where most of the in-campus guild meets. I only came here during the introduction meeting. How’s lady Haru?’ in after the long corridors, signs nailed on various corners showed where to head. He followed suit with hands in pocket and a pathetic attempt at whistling. He resembled more of an idiot than a boy, though, none cared to comment for they were focused at their hands. The door of the Trader’s guild room opened paired with clamor as opposed to screeching. Rusted unleveled hinges, he presumed to stand respectfully.

“Igna,” a lock of hair swept the keyboard she used, her downward focus brought out the tidiness of her bun. A winding mountain-like built held by two sticks off which swayed gemstones, “-take a seat,” her outfit today was reserved, not much of her was exposed.

“Sorry for the lateness,” said pulling into his seat.

“No worries,” her fingers stopped typing, the screen’s glow onto her face dawdled in faint substance. “Now,” the cat-like glare gave to a whiff of ire, “-about our deal of no fighting AND weekly reports. Someone’s been a bit careless, haven’t they.”

He winched, “-Sorry, my lady, things grew hard.”

“Things grew hard?” her eyes stopped at the desk though it intended to continue farter to his trousers, “-was it thy libido, staying with Yuki Lordon and her daughter, I must say, you’re quite bold!”


“No, no,” the head shook into dizziness, “-nothing of the sorts happened. My goals never strayed, it was cooking, and cooking alone. I have a perfectly rational reason. Lady Courtney Haggard, the one you sent to save me during the fight against Yuki Lordon, is actually my mother.”

“I know,” she pressed her elbows onto the desk, “-tell me more about what happened. I know only what was relayed.”

“For once, she’s a great person. I enjoyed her company more than you’d know. The 7 months went by quickly. She offered multiple rewards, to which, I only accepted a few, you know, not working for what one has and all that. Then, came the day of New Year’s. To my surprise, my cousins, the Prince and two princesses of Arda came to visit. We began on odds end, by the end, cousin Julius and I were like best friends. Before you ask about the training at the restaurant, tis best we do not go over the subject. The tales are too intertwined to be remembered. I know the feeling, and it’s enough, I know the people, and it makes me blessed.”

“Well,” she sighed lowering the pressured arms, “-I knew something like that would happen. The fight you had, whilst saving Group C, although you tried to avoid the subject... don’t underestimate my information sources,” her aura gave mild space to breathe, taking a hard inhale could disrupt the balance, or so thought he at her mercy. “Saving your comrades of Group C from the Goldberg’s. I’m proud,” her lips nearly gave a grin, “-yet, the bodies found at the crash site were of members of the Legionnaires of Mothra. Be more careful, that sect is famed for being vindictive.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Anyway, about Cle, any ideas on a dish?”

“No,” the mind reflected onto countless experiences, “-I have a singular line of thinking. Dungeon Styled Cooking, what better way to express Chef Leko’s wishes. I want to continue what he endeavored to do; lady Yuki played a major part in risking her fame for the sake of a young chef. I don’t know the history, Chef Yuki and Chef Leko were once partners in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, she was a member of the Trader’s Guild. Her start was somewhat like yours, I think, well, the past won’t do much. Follow what the mind dictates.”

“Thanks,” he stood, “-I appreciate you calling for me.”

“Don’t worry,” the words followed till the door, “-if you’re going to follow the path of Dungeon Cooking, better get a good score at the practical exams. They’ll be picking people to go for the expedition in Coria soon.”

‘I see,’ the door closed. ‘I’ll need to fight to attain my ingredients. Dungeon Style cooking, I know the basics of preparation, any monster caught must be blessed and cleansed. Only then that a cook might take it apart for consumption.’

Arms crossed and lost in thought, he walked to the foot of the building. Here, seeing the many crowds, an idea came to mind. ‘-Mr. Kord might know more.’ Since Leko excused him from the preparatory work of the restaurant, it gave way for more free time and ease of movement. Attending wasn’t mandatory, he could drop in and out, after all, focusing on Cle was most important.

Three on the clock and trees on the paths, he headed down till the gates. ‘Lectures must be over for today,’ he glanced the right to spot students of differing fields. Out of the bunch, three individuals were highlighted, ‘-Jen, Rena, and Leonard.’ Further up showed another three, ‘-Lampard, Anna, and Ila.’

‘Hide, don’t let them see you,’ a failed attempt to slip into the masses. An oblivious Lampard waved the spear frantically calling, “-Igna, Igna, over here!”

“Hello,” said he paused as the current flowed – few turned to stare, think, judge, and continue.

“Where have you been?” asked he waving to Leonard over yonder.

“The Guild Office,” said he, “-lady Haru wanted to discuss somethings.”

“Hey Igna, how are you,” voiced Leonard locking hands to then merge into a hug. “-Gave us quite a scare, you left... what was that about?” Over the shoulder stood the silent Jen and Rena. Leonard and Lampard’s faces weren’t normal, the lips laid flat as a line; dark-circles, a drunken-like speech manner.

‘Guess the girls must have done something to them,’ thought he.

“YOU!” a sharp slap-like voice froze his back, “-How dare you cross our path again?”

“Ila, you know Igna?” asked Lampard.

“Yes, I do,” her tone changed when addressing the spear-man, “-he’s a devil, a pervert, and a psycho.”

“Would you please be silent?” fired Igna, “-I’ve entertained the childish games for long. Tis quite rude to throw around such degrading words at someone you don’t even know. How about you come to stay the night, I don’t care, sleep on the couch or the bath. Will that suffice to qualm your doubts?” Stern and respectful, her lips stopped.

“It’s fine,” said Anna grabbing her shoulder, “Ila, I appreciate the concern,” her hands moved to caress her long red hair, “-Igna here is my roommate. There’s no need to babysit my chastity, he’s a member of the Trader’s Guild, I doubt he is foolish to harm and scar his reputation, isn’t that right, Igna,” her focus changed.

“Yes,” he nodded, “-thanks for that.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” yelled Rena, “-are you saying Igna is staying with Lady Anna?”

“What about the dormitory?” voiced Lampard.

“Don’t worry about it,” he smiled, “-it feels too cramped. Besides, the rooms are meant for four people, not five.”

“Well,” interjected Anna, “-Igna, shall we walk home, I’m done for today.”

“Sure, as you wish,” they left without another word said.

Leonard and Lampard could but clench their fists, the only ray of hope faded before their eyes. Rena and Jen relished the thought, whilst Ila shrugged. “I’ll be off,” said she abruptly, “-you better not get in the lady’s way during the combat exams.”

Returning home in the company of a friend felt nice. They spoke, or rather, he did most of the talking, whilst Anna nodded or gave one-word answers. Nothing seemed to trigger any interest. éclair was hard at trying to make conversation, the spark never caught fire, and in the end, they came to the park.

“Going around will take more time,” said he.


“I get the feeling you don’t like me that much,” he went for it.

“No,” she turned “-I’m not much of a talker.”

“Oh, is that so,” he chuckled, “-you do know how to form sentences. Lady Anna, are you afraid of the forest or dirt?”


“Perfect, then follow me,” off the stairs and onto the grass, “-it’s a shortcut,” the same path as before.

“We’re not supposed to come here,” voiced she reaching the ‘forest’.

“No sign says no trespassing. Tis common-sense to not go beyond what is safe. I don’t care really, getting dirty is the fun of discovering something new. I doubt this path is populated.”

“Your right,” said she, “-I don’t feel any aura. The foliage is beautiful.” Now at the confusing hedges, “-Igna, you’re very eccentric.”

“Why do you say so?”

“I can’t get an idea on what sort of person you are. Sometimes you act kind, others, strange, stern, foolish, clever, there’s no meaning in your actions, what the hell do you think you can accomplish?”

“Wait?” he halted, “-you saying a person must obey a certain profile to be accepted?”

“Isn’t that common sense?” argued she.

“You believe people fall into differing genres, same as fighting, a sword can only be brandished to fight, not defend.”

“A sword was and is still a weapon for slaying a human’s life. A weak blade can never hope to save a life. It’s only used for striking another – isn’t that right?”

“It does make sense,” he paused, “-I’d argue... how about this. I’ll prove that a sword can be used for defense.”

“Are you sure?” she jumped back and readied an elemental spell.

“Yes, I have a knife, not exactly a sword, but a blade nonetheless. Here are the rules, you fire a spell and I’ll use this ‘weak’ blade to stop it from damaging the plants behind. No fire spell as it would damage the surroundings.”

“Alright,” her hands moved to form the symbol of Earth. “Come to me, Earth Arrow,” a dozen of projectile materialized, *-snap,*

‘What’s the point of this again?’ the interface projected the would-be trajectory. Knife in hand, ‘-without my contact lenses, there’s no way I could have seen this coming.’ Sidestepped, ‘-Mana Cancellation.’ A downward, diagonal, and finally, vertical stroke disenchanted the projectiles.

*Fwop,* “-I told you, a weak-blade can’t defend.”

“I’d beg to differ,” blood flowed down the arms, “-I defended the trees behind. Meaning, I protected the lives I swore to protect – as, for me, it doesn’t matter.”

“Are you the type of fool who thinks self-sacrificing is the way to be acknowledged?” she walked over with a healing spell.

“Maybe,” shrugging, “-my intent was protection, not victory.”

“Protection is victory!” she exclaimed.

“No,” the head shook, “-victory is crossing a bridge built off the remains of dead fighters. There’s no such thing as a bloodless war, much less a peaceful one.”

“We’re different,” said she healing his arms, “-it’s not a bad thing. I’m impressed, no one has had the guts to challenge me headfirst.”

“Well, you did hold back quite a lot as I used my full abilities. Our differences are heaven and earth, I just wanted to prove a point which doesn’t seem any much clearer now.”

“You did good,” said she, “-I get people aren’t bound by a single thing. I’m glad, thanks for that, roommate.”

“Suppose I should thank you for healing me,” and off they went crossing the park. The seemingly pointless argument gave way to a better view of one another. Anna, who had the habit of judging people based on her own experiences saw the world grew. As for Igna, the show of her power proved just how far he was from the combat students. Sword or not, the training alongside his mother achieved meager results. A day didn’t go by without him practicing what was taught, he trained day and night to only be bested. The sting hurt, ‘-she’s amazing.’

“You two are back,” voiced the loud Kord handling the counter, “-come on in,” said he, “-I’ve good food for you both.” The customers stared enviously at the newcomers.

“Take a seat,” offered Igna spotting a free-spot. “I’ll go help the owner,” he dropped the bag next to her table, “-Boss, can I help in the kitchen?”

“Sure, get them babies on the frier!” snorted the man.

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