The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 488

“Where’s my bowl?” asked another cheerful eater.

“On it,” said he pulling the tray away, “-go have a shower once you’ve done eating. I’ll see you later, roommate.”

“Yeah, sure,” she veered to admire the reaching aroma of the meal. Her mouth watered and the stomach growled, morsels of vegetables often surfaced as if to say, ‘-hi I’m here, eat me,’ then returned to the bottom.

In no way was the eatery a comparison to the restaurant he worked. The place held sitting for a mere twenty people, long-table accompanied by small, round, benches. The dirtied walls from stains left by customers were cared for as if battle-scars. A singular fan rotated above with slight cries of agony. The noise went unnoticed as did the suspended television above the counter. Kord handled the kitchen and customers expertly. He didn’t need help. Still, Igna’s assistance was greatly welcomed. One after the other, plates were handed out to the customers; some came to eat on the spot, whilst many preferred takeaways.

‘This is delicious,’ the stoic face broke into an uncomfortable grin, ‘-it’s hot and spicy, my tongue is on fire, but I want more. This explosiveness,’ from her seat, she glanced into the kitchen where Igna showed his mastery. The roles rotated between him and Kord, the popularity of the fish dish was audible. ‘The same boy who failed and was viewed as a weakling. I can’t believe... is that truly him?’ Finishing her meal, she crossed the counter.

“What are you doing here?” wondered Igna handling a flaming pan.


“I came to help,” she followed his example and wrapped a bandana, “-Old man, can I help?”

“Sure,” he smiled, “-a cute girl like you will increase business. Handle the customers.”

“Deal,” and so, the unlikely duo worked till six. Most returning students would come early for the takeaways. Once the minute hand moved to 18:00, the influx of clients came to a halt.

Outback, Anna dowsed her face in cold water. Igna stood sipping on a cold beverage.

“Good job out there,” complimented Kord, “-listen, it’s enough for today. I appreciate the help, though, I must say I’m not going to pay nor give discounts. The help is appreciated, don’t expect anything in return.”

“It’s fine,” said Anna, “-seeing those people eat and enjoy their time was a good experience. I’m not opposed to helping – it’s a change of pace from the daily grim fighting.”

“What about you?”

“I’m training chef, the experience is welcomed.”

“Good on ya,” he casually wrapped around the duo’s shoulder, “-I couldn’t have wished for more caring tenents. Go on, have a shower. I’ll have dinner ready.”

“Thanks, old man,” she took the back door.

“What about you?” turned Kord facing an amber low-handing lightbulb of which presided over a few plants.

“I’m heading to the restaurant. See you later,” locked to the plants, *-Gue of Lkon,* described the interface, *-a plant available only at the Azure Forest.*

‘Interesting,’ by the time he returned, the sun slumbered. The ever-filled day was naught but cooking and learning. ‘First a monster, now an exotic plant. Mr. Kord is peculiar, he moves the same as a seasoned veteran. I could stand to learn more in his company.’

“Excuse me, chef,” the metal steps blasted cacophonous complaints by its hinges, the latter had seen its fair share of films. From a proposal of courtship to the announcement of one being a father, the shadowy exteriors of the Gymnasium was room for a lot of secretive actives. ‘I bet if the walls could speak, they’d recount the moments of despair and bliss experienced by the youth.’

“Igna,” said he, “-come in. The students were waiting.’


“Yes,” he thumbed to a tablet crowded by curiosity, “-the video of Medusa’s prodigy.”

“Please don’t tell me,” he arrived to tiptoe and glance above the masses, ‘-that’s the viral video.’

“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” bowed Sai, “-the prodigy of Medusa is a worthwhile tutor. Please teach us the way,” and so did the rest fiercely.

“Here you are,” said Leko, “-students. This boy here is younger and even the same age as some of you. Without financial backing nor family, he managed to make a name by fate and hard work. I won’t say he’s talented since I’ve seen firsthand how hard he works. In a mere six months, he’s been acknowledged by Chef Emma, Emmy, Joe, Igona, and me.” Murmurs of the names went to and fro.

“Didn’t those five-win Cle? It’s said their abilities are closer to Lady Yuki than anyone else.”

“Yes, they have featured in the lasts culinary magazine. Chef Joe commented about a young boy who grasped his attention. Was he referring to Igna?”

“It’s weird, why hasn’t he been more popular?”

“That is simple,” voiced Leko, “-Chef Yuki and I decided to not give him any media coverage. Fame is another beast. What he has to work for now is, performing at Cle.”

“Forgive my rudeness,” interjected Igna, “-I’m glad about the praise, however, I’m still a trainee. I’ve come to study, not be the center of rumors. Please, everyone, let’s not forget why we wear aprons. It’s not to be actors, tis to ultimately create a dish for consumption.”

“Alright,” he turned off the video, “-let’s get to cooking.”

“Yes sir!”

‘Cold,’ the night-service ended at 22:30. Except for the few waiting cars, the campus was deserted. The wind blew colder and harder. The apprentices split towards the dormitory. ‘I don’t know what to make.’ Pondering the challenge, he dropped onto the stairs and crossed the park. Arrived at 23:00, he leaped into bed. Thus, the return went, the routine was set. Helping Kord in the morning, heading to the restaurant and working till lunch, then return to the eatery and help for the evening, and lastly, leave for the night-service. ‘I don’t know what to do, I can’t find inspiration. The dishes I try don’t have much punch; the ingredients are lackluster.’

The 4th of February arrived in stride. The day began strangely, Anna for once woke early. “-Good morning,” said he brushing his teeth.

“Good morning,” she joined still half-awake. A beanie and short skimpy pajama, her stoic standoffish appearance crumbled to show a normal girl.

Splashing his face, “-today’s the combat exams. Any ideas on what we can expect?”

“Not really,” she shrugged, “-I don’t know. One thing is sure all the students in our semester will participate.”

“I heard a rumor about them choosing people for the expedition in Coria.”

“Oh, that,” she spat, “-yeah. Students matching their requirements will be welcomed to join the fight. The standard will be hard to beat, especially since Frost, me, and Lampard will set it. Anyway, it doesn’t concern you,” said she, “-I’ll go get ready. What about breakfast?”

“The old man’s got it figured,” they cross to the kitchen, “-he packed it for us. I told him about the exam.”

“We sure have a nice landlord.”

“I agree.”

On the said day, multiple examiners headed for the arena. Fletcher, Melisa, Lady Haru, and the ever-mysterious Denver. Beth, the vice-leader of Pegasus, a Tier-2 Gold adventurer, came to scout potential recruit alongside an independent party. A lady bearing crimson hair and eyepatch stood menacingly. The field welcomed the students.

“Are you ready to go?” shouted Anna.

*knock, knock,* “-coming,”

“YOU!” voiced Ila,”-how dare you answer instead of my lady?”

He closed the door, “-WAIT!” she jammed her foot, “-I’m sorry, let me enter.”

“No,” he sighed, “-I don’t allow badmouthing idiots inside.”

“Please, I was joking,” her cheeks flushed.

“Look at that,” came shouts from below, “-a girl is being kicked after spending the night,” laughed the part-timers, “-she’s wearing pink-striped panties, how cute.”


“Igna,” her voice deepened with ire,”-let me in.”

“Stop teasing her,” said Anna.

“Fine,” soon as he eased the pressure, the door flung open.

“LADY ANNA!” she jumped for a hug.

“Ila,” she held the impatient girl’s forehead, “-don’t get excited else I may fall.”

“My lady,” she gave to her knees, “-how can you bear such an insolent fool’s presence?”

“Pink-striped panties. Very strong words for one who has such a cheerful choice of undergarment,” a smirked led to his room.

“IGNA!” she stomped to only have the door shut in her face, *bang, bang,* “-open up, you disrespectful little son of a...”

‘A gun and a sword,’ the weapons laid on the bed, ‘-how will I perform in true combat. I’ve squeezed training into my already tight schedule. Compared to those who devote their time to the fight, there’s no competition.’

“Igna, what’s your purpose for today?” inquired éclair, “-what is the goal for the combat exams?”

“I don’t know yet. I need to make something for Cle, I need ingredients. Suppose going to a dungeon might broaden my horizon.”

“Deal, then I shall make it so the goal is accomplished.” Sword attached to the belt and gun kept inside an old jacket, ‘-I’m ready.’

“Welcome students,” shouted the menacing Fletcher stood atop the podium, “-we meet again after a year. The question of promotion to the second year will be to the instructor’s evaluation. The joint combat training is nothing more than an all-out fight between the respective classes. Craftmanship, Adventuring, Magecraft, Technology, Science, Military-arts and, Trading. Stand at the assigned areas.” Guides led the masses, and soon, Igna found himself alone at the southern-corner of the arena. Rena, Jen, and Leonard were grouped to the left whilst Lampard, Frost, Ila, and Anna were to the right. The front held the other field.

“I see the trader’s guild has a singular member,” gossiped the Adventuring group.

“Why is he even here?” argued those of Military-Arts.

“I see we have minimal members for the Trader’s Guild,” said Fletcher, “-Lady Haru, what are your wishes?”

“Let me have the microphone,” she walked over, “-Igna, nod if you’re going to participate.” He accepted.

“Then it’s resolved,” she dropped the mic creating an explosion.

“You’re quite trusting of that boy,” commented Beth.

“He’ll do just fine,” she sat, “-what of you,” turned to Misna, “-didn’t you find him at the Azure Wall.”

“Yes, he was nothing more than a stranded boy. Can’t believe he joined the Trading Guild.”

“I’ll explain the rules,” voiced Fletcher, “-tis simple. Survive the waves of monsters. We have brought in the summoner division of the army for this endeavor. Fighting against one another is allowed, though, not advisable. Treat this as a recreation of a boss fight. The basics of dungeoneering have been burnt into your subconscious. Prove to me it wasn’t a mistake.”

‘Good,’ he gripped the sword, ‘-I’m glad it’s not students versus students. I might just have a chance after all.’ Weirdly enough, the group changed to form five-men teams of the same class. Supporting members retreated to the back, strong mounted the vanguard, and the skilled were dotted around to do burst damage.

“Excellent,” said Mr. Denver, “-they know how to handle unknowns. A very good trait indeed.” Mages were mostly supporting, except Anna who stood in the middle of the triangle-shaped formation.

‘What about me?’ wondered Igna.

“Move to the front,” commented éclair, “-I’ve memorized the whole theory on how to fight in groups. Follow my lead, I know you’ve trained, it should be fine.” And so, he walked, crawling his way across the multiple teams to stand alone.


“He noticed the blind spot,” voiced Beth, “-a smart boy indeed.” The weakness in the triangle formation was its side. If the vanguard fails to have the monster’s attention, they can break inside and lay waste to the support.

“What does he think he’s doing?” wondered one from Military-Arts,”-he’s out in the open. When the wave starts, the unengaged will push.” Discord and mistrust amidst the students were nulled by éclair. He became the only voice Igna listened to, the guide in an uncertain battlefield.

“Everyone, get ready,” a countdown beeped, “UNLEASH THE HORDES!” the platform opened, the ground rumbled, pairs of red flickered, and soon, evolved goblins jumped onto the field. Slower, bigger, hobgoblins ambled as heavier clubs rested on their shoulders. ‘Goblins, again?’

“The bane of adventurers. The ever-evolving green devils. There are no other monsters that can rival their tenacity. A perfect choice to test future fighters.”

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