The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1015

“Imperial King.”


“King Igna would like an audience.”

“So be it.

Same office, different lighting, and less cumbersome paper stack, “-good evening, imperial majesty.”

“King Igna, I’m surprised.”


“Chaos begins from the point of origin,” he added, “-as for us, there is much we must discuss,” the blinders closed for a relaxing hue, “-as it stands, the empire’s no longer an entity.”

“Has it been destroyed?”

“No, but it will be destroyed. A new alliance was formed hours ago, the Desok Allied Kingdoms. The independent nations seem to shift into an alliance with Alphia and the church. Depending on the Emperor of Alphia’s decision – the war might extend into Alphian territory.”

“Are you sure?”

“I see you’re up to date,” he nodded, “-Alphia’s infighting won’t bring much in the short term. Once the fighting stops, they’ll rise to power; such is the way of an affluent land. Emperor Essin – the world’s finest are on the field, this game of chess will decide the future. Considering armaments and manpower, it could be a few years; I’d expect around four, for the battle to cease.”

“Wracia Empire’s no longer a fearsome entity. We’re being torn apart from all sides. Look at Hidros, everyone here’s ready to fight,” he suspiciously pierced the king, “-it looks to me the place was ready to dismantle the Empire from the beginning.”

“I love it,” said Igna, “-I love it.”


“Emperor Essin, you figured out Hidros’ plan, a little too late for that, however, there’s much to be seen from the sidelines. Emperor, I dare say Hidros’ bears no ill-will towards the Empire, we only bear ill-will towards the rulers, and so, I point to the previous Emperor. The shift in power and turn of leadership. You ordered, as new Emperor, to stop providing influence to the church. The righteous were getting a little greedy, such vice was only amplified by Alphia’s abundance of morally bankrupt officials. Not that it’s wrong to flaunt money around to get one’s desire, for an institution that preaches right from wrong, comes across as hypocritical.”

“What about the discussion,” he paused, “-no discussion is it. Tis a one-way slaughter.”

“Don’t be so uptight. Emperor, I said Hidros would aid in taking back the Empire. We will fulfill our duty and we will instate Wracia on our terms. Rebellion and Revolution, are the two factions in fight currently. Desok Allied Kingdoms will join the battle as a member of the Rebellion.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“Rebellion is the people who staged the uprising. As for the Revolution, they’re led by the people fighting back against Wracia’s religious oppression. You added fuel to the fire by admonishing the church. Desok, far as it seems, are on the Church’s good side, therefore, they’ll join the Rebellion. As for the Revolution, they’re those fighting for freedom and not the fall of the Empire. It seems counterproductive, though, such is the truth. Hidros will join the fight as an independent party and add pressure on the three inner provinces. Most of the fighting will be to the south, a shame really.”

“Is the Rebellion bad?”

“No, they have their beliefs as does the Revolution. My objective is to gain the seat of power for the Wracian Empire. Blood will be spilled and the country will be destroyed. That’s the end game, we focus on the present. Essin, out of the three kingdoms, who is most likely to turncoat?”

“Most likely to turncoat?” he paused and sunk into deep thought, “-Konak and Estral.”

“Better choice would be Estral.”

“Yeah, but how did you?”

“Adventuring,” returned Igna, “-Estralians are known to be frequent guests of Hidros. Striking a deal at this moment is presumptuous. However,” he tapped his finger, a cloud of dark mist materialized, “-orders, my lord?”

“Establish communication with the Black Unit, begin operation Wied.”

“Understood,” the mist disappeared.

“What’s operation Wied?”

“Wait and see,” he chuckled, “-Essin, stripped of the title of Emperor, what will you do?”

“My fate is yours to decide. We haven’t struck a contract, and I doubt there’s any need.”

“Correct, there is no need to strike a contract. Still, even though I planned the destruction of the Empire, I never thought it’d fall into my lap. See, Essin, coming here was both a blessing and a curse. Don’t fret,” he stood, “-I gave my word. You will be treated as royalty, if you want to work, there’re plenty of jobs. Tell me, what do you want to do?”

“What is there for me to do?” he shrugged, “-I’m still emperor in name, the war is in my name and for Hidros’ cause to remain just, I should be at the forefront of the battle.”

“Essin,” he exclaimed, “-you’ve surpassed expectation. And so, Emperor, as King of Hidros, I will make certain of thy return to power.”

“Long as the war is stopped, I don’t care what happens. King Igna, I’m putting my faith and trust in you.”

He side-glanced, “-I wouldn’t go around spreading trust. Still, if his majesty wishes to entrust the future of Iqeavea in my hands, I will accept. Make yourself at home, emperor, take in Hidros and experience the life you never could at the seat of power.”

‘Best deal I can get,’ he exhaled, “-as you wish, majesty.”

“Igna,” he refuted, “-call me Igna.”

“Igna,” he gulped, ‘-I wonder what’ll happen to Iqeavea once the war is over.’

The door opened and closed, and Midne came in stride for the emperor; they split ways. Alta leaned against a balustrade giving onto a lovely patch of grass and rose her hands. He firmed her gesture and pulled, “-Alta, welcome back.”

“Thank you. I saw the emperor and saw to have a transcript of the negotiations. Majesty, are you serious?”

“About what?” they walked.

“The lie... the falsehood of giving back the Empire.”

“That,” he dropped his shoulder, “-no matter what happens, Essin won’t see the seat of power. Not now anyway.”

“You’re a monster...”

“Hey, I never said I give charity.”

Time elapsed, and the pace gradually eased as orders reached their destination. Many factions rose to action, and a particularly nasty order – Operation Wied, was in motion. Golden rimmed handles opened to a lavishly dressed dancehall. Music swayed and chandeliers gleamed, decorations reflected Hidros’s fortune. Guests came one after the other, Hanna, Anna, Midne, and plenty of retainers welcomed the prominent figures. A small get-together turned reception.

“Lia, stop,” came a muffled from a faraway room, “-it’s enough, please.”

“Oh, stop it,” she crawled from a crouching position, “-éclair, my love, my heart’s burnt from the past ten years, I’ve yearned to see you, I’ve yearned to feel you again, please, tell me you love me, please, tell me I’m not wrong.”

He grabbed her shoulder and pulled for a passionate kiss, “-I told you, don’t make so much noise,” the sudden lock seemed to calm her demons, “-you’re boiling hot, something the matter?” she took his hand and slid it down her stomach, “-yeah, I’m too hyped up,” she licked her lips, “-calm me down, take responsibility.”

“Fine,” he flipped and slammed her back against a table, “-let’s calm your demons, Lia.”

The castle grew cacophonous with joy, laughter, and music. Igna, having paid visits to many of the guests – found an escape into one of the towers. Spiraling staircase at interval carried little slits giving into the narrow deep-purple sky. ‘-is that crying?’ the pace slowed, ‘-someone’s here?’ an ajar door gave into a clean room, sharp whips and flashes resounded. He pushed the door further to a large mirror and training equipment for dancing. Overwhelmingly big tears flooded down puffy cheeks, “-what’s a kid doing here?” the latter struck a pose, “-are you serious?” he stopped and stared. Light reflected against the flowing tears.

The door slammed shut, the girl’s posture crashed, she toppled and slid backward to a corner, “-please don’t hurt me, I won’t run away from practice, I swear, mother, please.”

“Slow down, kid,” the light toggled, “-I’m not here to hurt you,” he ignored the lass and admired the tower, “-I heard the place was renovated to train dancers, never thought it’d be to this extent.”

“Who are you?”

“Just a passerby, what about you, little lady?”


“Scared of strangers, that’s a good trait to have, little lady. You were doing ballet, weren’t you?”


“Not much of a talker, but still, the arabesque was pretty. How old are you?”


“Amazing. Looks like you’ve trained for a long-time.”

“Who are you, mister?”

“Now, where are your manners?”

“I’m sorry. My name’s Ulgra Essin.”

“Mine’s Igna Haggard. A pleasure to meet you, Ulgra. Are you the daughter of the emperor?”

“Yes,” she lowered her gaze, “-I’m sorry.”

“About what?”

“Using the room.”

“It’s only a room, don’t worry about it. You’ve been taught well. Tell me, Ulgra, why were you crying?”

“Oh, I wasn’t crying.”

“Lying’s not a good idea,” footsteps rode up the stairs and blasted into the room, “-ULGRA, WHERE ARE YOU!” screeched as if a banshee’s dying wish. The girl shuddered, her whole body trembled, “-Lia,” narrowed Igna, “-is that you?”

“Majesty,” her tone shifted, she dropped to her knees, “-my apologies, majesty.”

“You’re looking for Ulgra?”

“Yes, my liege.”

“She’s not here,” he returned, “-as for you, best straighten the dress and clean the stain from your collar. It’s unbefitting for a noble lady to walk around with the seed of another pleasantly displayed. If it’s not a hassle, please keep the romance to a minimum, I won’t stand for shame to be brought upon the castle’s heritage, am I perfectly clear?”

“A thousand pardon, my liege.”

“Don’t stand there, go have a shower. I’ll ask for a change of clothes to be brought.”

“As you wish,” she scurried into the depth. Igna toggled his interface, “-éclair, where are you?”


“At the function, why, what’s the matter?”

“Could you come to my location?”

“Sure?” the call ended; he turned his gaze at Ulgra.

“Why did you lie?”

“Adults are full of shit,” he smiled, “-I told you not to lie then went ahead and lied. These are the kind of things you should expect as a noble daughter. Wipe your tears and dance,” he extended a handkerchief, “-show me what you can do,” she clambered, her expression swapped from miserable to resplendent. Her flexibility and deliberateness in striking poses were sharp and beautiful.

“My bad,” the door buckled, Ulgra’s short display ended, “-did I miss something?”

*Clap, clap, clap,* he went ahead and patted her head, “-Ulgra, you have potential.”

Her expression shrunk, “-mother called you majesty, who are you...”

“The King of Hidros,” he smiled, “-and this here is the prime minister.” éclair nonchalantly approached Igna’s side, “-a little lady, who is she?” the composed air around Igna shifted, he grabbed éclair by the collar and slammed him against the wall, it cracked, “-MONGREL!” éclair coughed blood, “-m-m-master...”

He reached deep and threw a powerful punch. éclair crashed against the mirror, shards dug into the arms and legs, “-you fucking idiot!”

A half-bloodied visage watched helplessly, “-what did I do...”

“Look there, that kid’s been abused since her birth. Look at her hair, it’s black, her eyes, deep blue, and the way her face is constructed. Can’t you see, that’s your damned daughter.”

“My daughter?”

“Yeah... with hair like that, it’s obvious she’s not the child of Essin.”

“Why are you worked up, majesty, because of a kid?”

“No, because of Lia. She’s running around the palace sucking the life out of my ministers. I don’t care what happens behind closed doors – at least have the decency to have her clean your seed, yes?”


“She had,” he paused, “-never mind, I’m sorry for throwing a fit.”

“My head,” éclair yelped, “-going to pass out.”

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