The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1016

“Explaining?” by the time the healing spell worked, Igna had moved to sit beside the dancer. Her visage, mainly the eyebrows and lips, slumped and tightened, they spoke the chant of fear and terror, “-I don’t owe you anything, my dear.”

“Well, you do,” he climbed and sighed, “-what’s got you worked up?”

“Hard to pin down,” he shrugged, “-Okay, well,” the face froze, “-would it be relatable if I said I wanted to have a fit?”

“You acted.”

“Yeah,” he narrowed, “-éclair, what’s with the dead look in your eyes, it’s unsettling.”

“I have the right to be angry. So, this lady here,” he inched forward, “-is my daughter?”


“Correct,” added Igna, “-her scars, bruises and less than amiable clothing speaks volumes, yes?”

“You’re correct,” he pinched his chin in thought, “-what will we do about her?”

“No scandal has been ousted. We can assume the emperor would rather keep the information under wraps.”

“This could jeopardize our situation; don’t you think majesty?”

“No, I don’t think so,” a cold stare befell the doll-like lady, “-lest Lia wants to be admonished, I don’t think there’s room for that.”

Large pupils blinked at Igna then turned at éclair, “-who are you?”

“Prime minister éclair,” he bowed, “-and this here is my lord, my master, our king.”

“I know... but why did you lie, why did you-”

“Okay, okay,” Igna interjected, “-this conversation has grown tiresome. Ulgra, follow me,” he lent a hand, “-let’s go speak to your mother. éclair, you’ll come with, won’t you?”

Scenery swapped for the retainers’ living quarters, “-over here,” waved Midne. Igna’s party arrived, “-she’s inside.”

“I appreciate the help.”

“No worries, majesty,” she passed the party, “-I would be worried about Ela.”

“...” éclair sought to push to the door and wait, “-majesty...”

‘Ela?’ crossed Igna’s mind, ‘-I wonder why I should be worried?’

“Let’s go,” he fired.

A closed space added to the tension. Showers slowed and a gray-haired lady exited, “-my, I have guests?” she stopped and stared, scanning the entourage, “-Ulgra,” her jaw tightened, “-and the king,” same tightness eased in milliseconds, “-what brings such prominent figures to the sleeping quarters. Is it perhaps?”

“Not in front of the king.”

“My bad,” she coughed, “-I feel uncomfortably hot when men stare at my less than amiable state.”

“Drop the farce,” fired Igna, “-Lia, we’re comrades. As such, I don’t care much for the libido, however,” he side-stepped, “-Princess Ulgra Essin’s mental and physical state is less than ideal.”

“So, you know?” she sat on one of the beds, unhampered by the way the towels barely covered her body, “-please keep this between us.”

“Go on.”

“After meeting with éclair and the time we spent as friends Igna, I discovered a part of me that I never knew existed. Being blamed for being a seedless witch, unable to bare fruit... the doubt and suspicion cast upon my womanhood... I finally had enough. éclair was the first who taught me how such an intimate bond could bring people together. I tried with many others, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. None could bring me to my knees as éclair did, and despite my nights spent with Essin and the lesser entourage, I was left dissatisfied. She came about – as years elapsed, her facial features and trait grew nothing like Essin. Palace began to whisper; my adultery was put on a show because of her. Essin accepted the facts for facts and continued his way, uninterested in me or my body. From that day on, he never once stared me in the eyes or asked for my company. He chose another and preferred spending time with retainers. Ulgra’s truth was hidden, Essin ordered for the miscreates to be punished and killed, forever silencing what had happened. Her talent for ballet came early during ballroom routines – a renowned instructor saw potential and her life was set... I don’t hate Ulgra, I don’t. I admit having hit her once or twice... it’s easy to put one’s frustration onto another, I know it’s bad, I know it’s wrong. Doesn’t matter, at the end of the day, Ulgra, Essin, and I will never be a family. Essin has eyes for Ulgra’s talent, I have eyes for the next meal and she, well, she’s nothing more than a confirmation of my womanhood.”

“Pathetic,” murmured Igna, “-Lia, you’re an idiot.”

“What would you know!”

“Oh, I’m not saying I know how or what you felt, it’s childish. Proving the other wrong, using Ulgra as a dig to say, ‘-hey, it’s your fault for not being a man,’ I find it,” a smile escaped, “-daring. You, Lia, are a beast,” he tapped her shoulder, “-do what you want, comrade, the world is one’s oyster.”


“What’s with the look of rejection?”

“I thought you’d be mad or give a lecture?”

“Hey, I never said I was the morale authority on right and wrong. What happened, happen. I came to ask Ulgra’s hand.”

“Ulgra’s hand in marriage?”

“No, Ulgra’s hand in playing a part in promoting ballet throughout Hidros. Latter’s predominately an art governed by the Wracian Empire. It’ll be a great way to show Hidros’ willingness to accept the Empire, what do you say?”

“If she’s happy then I’m okay with it.”

“Settled,” he spun and tapped éclair’s shoulder, “-prime minister éclair, Ulgra Essin is under thy responsibility for today forth. Teach her the ways of the noble, and teach her the legacy that runs in her blood. If push comes to shove, the Haggards will take responsibility and accept the lass as one of our own.”

“Understood,” he buckled for the first time in decades, a softness took a jab at his heart, Ulgra’s confused expression gawked, the door shut to Lia and éclair gazing upon their offspring.

“There you are,” blond hair pushed off the side, “-so you knew?”

“Essin,” he stopped, “-yeah I did,” a simple motion told the Emperor to follow, “-what about you, they don’t know your secret do they?”

“What secret?”

“Oh don’t play dumb,” Igna slowed the pace to match Essin, “-I’ve known since the days of old, Essin, you play for the same team, don’t you?”

“Excuse me?”

“No hiding the truth,” elbowed Igna, “-Lucifer’s church, despite the god’s representation of unconditional love, bares down on those who go against the natural order. You love both man and woman, I know someone who feels the same and let me tell you, he’s a deity when it comes to pleasure.”

“Guess I’m figured out,” he stopped beside an armor stand, “-King Igna, if you know what I feel and how I feel, can’t you see beyond?”

“Oh, I definitely feel your affection, Essin. Alas, my love is reserved for those who give themselves to me completely.”

Julius erupted from one of the corners, “-brother,” they locked in a tight embrace, “-my dear brother, it has been a while.”

“Julius, my brother, you’re looking better than ever.”

“That’s how it is, keeping the bloodline pure?”

“Emperor Essin,” Julius nodded, “-have I interrupted?”



“Pardon me,” he giggled, “-I should check on the wife. She’s angry.”


“No gawking,” Igna winked, “-Essin, I should take responsibility for éclair’s actions.”

“No, my king, it’s fine. I don’t mind it. Lia’ drive is hard to handle sometime. Knowing my limitation... sad to say the underperformance led to the current predicament. We live our own lives tied by Ulgra, she’s one of a kind, you know. I love ballet and she’s the embodiment of grace – I can’t wait for her to take center stage and take the ballet world.”

“Won’t happen.”

“The war, yeah, I get it.”

They passed many corridors until reaching the grand hall. Bickering on one side caught the attention, “-go on without me,” they split.

“Why is he here?”

“Calm down.”

“No, screw that, I’m going to give that geezer a piece of my mind.”

“Please my lady, don’t do anything rash.”

“Don’t stop me, I swear I’ll kick his-” the king appeared in the doorway. Maids narrowly restricted Ela, whose dress was in a right ol’ mess. Crinkles and tears, “-Ela.”

“You,” she shrugged the maids and latched onto the collar, “-Don’t!” cried the maids to no avail, “-it’s your fault, why didn’t you tell me, why not TELL ME!”

“Ela,” he grabbed her wrist, “-if you want to get physical, let’s keep it for after the function,” a deep stare lowered the aggression, “-if you wish to punch someone, punch me.”

She pulled her arms and clicked, “-whatever.”

“This about Juvey?”


“Angry about how he invaded Elendor and how he treated you?”


“Why not kill him?” a gun summoned above his palm, “-here’s a revolver. Take it to his private chamber and pull the trigger.”

“My word,” she latched onto the weapon, a sadistic grin rose, “-you know what to give a woman.”

“On one condition.”

“...” the grin fell for a serious expression, “-what?”

“Pull the trigger and don’t expect Hidros to take thee in.”



“Kill him, I don’t care. Actions have consequences. If you kill an ally of mine, my duty states I ought to return the favor. Considering the hard work and loyalty, I’ll take everything and leave only your life intact. You will be deported to Elendor no question asked. Hidros’ economy will take a hit and we might not be as prosperous as before... regardless, tis the price I’m willing to pay.”

“Way to ruin the mood,” she dropped the weapon upon which contacting the floor exploded into smoke, “-why not tell me Juvey was coming?”

“Keeping track of a person’s action is gambling. You’re smart, you’ll figure it out.”

“Way to keep me on my toes,” came a sarcastic remark, “-my dress is ruined, care to help?”

“Fine,” a light-colored hue restored the outfit, “-head on to the ballroom, the function’s about to start.”

“Right, I’ll meet you there.”

‘Mediating problems,’ he leaned against the wall, ‘-what mess this has become.’

Distant footsteps approached, and a butler in service to lady Synthia, Syhton’s pseudonym, passed through, “-majesty.”


“Majesty,” he dropped to one knee, “-please, I would like a word.”


“Claireville Academy, the youngest duke, Julius Garnet, user of the Purgatory flame. An affectionate brother to Autumn Garnet, his little sister, and the reason why Staxius Haggard and Julius Garnet fought. In the massacre of Dorchester, on Ayleth Geua’s marriage, an entity beyond their comprehension killed everyone, no one survived, no one. Staxius Haggard, the father of Eira Haggard, a girl he found as a babe on a river.”

“Were you reincarnated?”

“Yes. As were you, Staxius.”



“It is you,” said Igna.

“Yes, it’s me,” he smiled, “-but you’re no longer Staxius as I’m no longer Julius. I wanted to confirm my doubts... and I’m glad I did.”

“About the marriage and massacre, I’m sorry for not being there. I wish I could have saved-”

“No. Adelana’s growing hatred and the disparities of our group began to crack. We thought the marriage could bring us together... the older days were unforgiving and it happened. My only regret was not confessing.”

“You had a crush on Adelana, didn’t you?”

“How did you?”

“Secret,” he smiled, “-how’s the world, tell me, how is it?”

“Better than I imagined. The disparity between nobles and commoners is all but gone. There’s genuine joy on the people’s faces, there’s food on the table, and Oxshield’ is a shining beacon for Hidros to follow. Never imagine the reunion to be anticlimactic, did you expect my arrival?”

“No, but someone else spoke on reincarnation. Theon, my master torturer, you might know him as Duke of Dorchester, Sten Parcyvell.”



“Sten Parcyvell as torturer... he’s perfect for the job.”

An echo sprinted, “-Ester, where are you?”

“Midne?” he looked around the corner, “-something the matter?”

“Lady Synthia is looking for her butler. Better hurry up,” she winked, “-best of luck.”

“My bad,” a glance at Igna, “-I’m sorry for the ambush, forget what I said.”

“...” the king locked onto the butler, who exited the room in a hurry, “-don’t be a stranger.”

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